Actually, I’d like to add an additional question here, in reference to this thread:
In this topic, there’s a simple form for creating a “select_one” referring to another “select_one” in a previous “repeat_group” and the second “select_one” displays only the options that were selected throughout all repeats of the repeat_group. The form provided in that topic works perfectly, and I’m thinking that could also solve my problem as explained here above (if I choose to use an internal species list instead), where I want two repeat groups - one for entering details immediately, and one for further details later on - and I want to chose the order of input for the further details in the second repeat group (which you described as might not be possible as of now, Xiphware). I thought I could adopt the form from this topic and just add the Q3 (the second select_one row) inside another repeat group. But, as soon as I do that, the options to select between disappear completely from the view, although I get no error message validating it in Enketo. I’m wondering - is this a bug? Have I misinterpreted how this is supposed to work, or forgotten some restriction? Might there be a way to solve the challenge I’ve described here using this approach?
I’ve attached the two forms (the functional [form1-working] and the non-functional [form2-not-working]) together with some screenshots. The choice tab is the same for both forms.
form1_working.xlsx (11.1 KB)
form2_not-working.xlsx (11.2 KB)