EGRA TEST in kobotoolbox

Hello Kobo user, I would like to know if there is a way to do an EGRA Test from the kobotoolbox platform??

Welcome back to the community, @bucardok! Could you kindly please provide more details on the EGRA test you are trying to refer to so that the community should also be able to understand more about the same?

Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a test students take that can measure their skill at both pre-reading and reading subtasks

@bucardok, does the literacy widget support EGRA? Else, KoboToolbox has the same.

I don’t know that widget and its installation, could you provide me with information?

Thank you!!

@bucardok, this is the one I have been referring to …

Thanks for your response, can Literacy be used on mobile or only on Enketo?
Elias Bucardo

@bucardok, it only supports Enketo.