Error 500-Un-Able to Deploy (Errno Expected:3)

@Kal_Lam @wroos I have have a challenge deploying a form that workers perfectly for testing site. I have tried to follow similar challenges faces by other before ivain including deleting caches. What could be the issue? I am attaching my form for any support.

Copy of Day_care_mapping_tool (002).xlsx (125.1 KB)



Hello @AlexRutto77,
It would help the community/forum if you could avoid posting the same problem more than once, please.
Maybe you could delete one of both?

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@AlexRutto77, as advised by @wroos, we would appreciate if you post only one topic for an issue. Having multiple topics for the same issue affects the search index. Thank you for your kind understanding!

@Kal_Lam @wroos Apologies. The second one was posted erroneously.

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