Error message seen: error evaluating field: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.string

Hi, if i want to get the audit data i have to use kobocollect app instead of enketo. but while i’m filling the survey in a repeated group question i got this error: error evaluating field: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.string.
any help pleaaaase?

Could you kindly validate your xlsform through this online validator to see if your xlsform has any syntax errors? In the meantime would you also let us know the android app that you are using?

I’m using kobocollect v1.29.3

OK, would you mind trying it out with ODK Collect v1.30.1 and see if the same happens? It should probably solve your issue.

I validate the form, no error…
i also tried ODK collect i faced the same issue

Could you share your xlsform with the community? Maybe the community would be able to have a closer look at it.

Education_COVID19.xls (217.5 KB)
the problem starting at line 160

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Hello ayatabbas,

I had checked XLS file and had changed the relevant logic from row line 149, 160 and 161. Its working perfectly on mine. I had checked in Enketo and ODK Collect as well.

Hope it works for you

Please get attached to the file Education_COVID19.xls (221 KB)

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Hii Dnes,

It’s weird. It works :).

Thanks for your help.