Fetching Line Numbers for Eligible Respondent from First to Second Repeat Instances

Thank you so much for the suggestion. The suggested post provided some insight but I am not able to resolve the issue. In contrast to the [select_random-female-eligible-respondent V1.xlsx](https://community.kobotoolbox.org/uploads/short-url/4ri0xcmRw8uOD1SRAjrQST3UaYR.xlsx), I am including all eligible women from the household. I store the position of eligible women in a variable outside the first repat. When I try to pass the position in second repeat, it does not work for me. In the second repeat, I want the ‘rostno’ field (please refer to XLSForm from my initial post) to capture the value of ‘line_no’ from the first repeat when the name of the women is entered in the ‘wnam’ field.