How do I make option "other" a mandatory field after select_multiple or_other in a multiple response question?

I have a multiple-response question. I want to make sure that when a respondent picks other, it becomes a mandatory field. I am using select_multiple or_other option. I do not want to keep on using the option if selected(${}) true.

Welcome to the community @Mfidelis! Maybe this post discussed previously should show you how to do it. In the meantime would also request you to go through the post thoroughly as I have also outlined the negative aspect of using the same:

Thanks Kal_lam,

This is exactly what am using. However, if I wanted to know how I can make the option of others mandatory such that once they choose other, then they have to specify them.

You could do it as outlined in the post discussed previously:

We also have a support article User-Specified “Other” Responses for Multiple-Choice Questions for this. Maybe you would like to go through it as well too.

Revisited this with another questionnaire where you need to select multiple animals and each of the selection you explain. It still worked so well. Thanks for keeping this here!

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