How do we collect telephone numbers which start with a leading zero?

Hi @ife,

I am counting 10 digits after 0 in your screenshot, if that’s the case you want to use can you try this code:

regex(., ‘^(0)[0-9]{10}$’)

Let’s see if that works.

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Perfect! Worked perfectly. Thank you @hakan_cetinkaya


If this is a sample of real a number, then you might have a serious data security problem. under no circumstance, real beneficiary information should be used in any public forum, as this is considered a grave and serious data breach, let alone to be a severe safety and security risk for the beneficiary that owns the number, as have become much more exposed to risk since it was mentioned that this is for a cash programme which elevates the risk further, and publishing the number or any real number for that matter is not the best practice, not to mention that mentioning that this is a real number. I would Kindly advise you to remove the image containing such data although it’s too late now and it’s been some time since 2021 and never use real beneficiary data even if it’s your personal data, as this might pose a serious risk for the beneficiaries and is a clear and direct breach to the Do No Harm principle and the whole idea of humanitarian Aid. always use dummy data that is made up like 0111111111 or 0222222222 these could have worked perfectly in your case.