How to hide the choices option depend on previous question?

I want to hide some option its depend on my my first question answer (selected option). How can I set this?

See the below questions:
Q1. Do you have a house or not?

  1. No
  2. Yes

Q2. What type of toilet do you use?
(Showing below options according to 1st questions answer)
[If Q1 is 1. No]

  1. Do not have own toilet
  2. Open toilet

[If Q1 is 2. Yes]

  1. Do not have own toilet
  2. Open toilet
  3. Toilet with ring slab
  4. Flash toilet
  5. Flash toilet with drainage line
    Screenshot 2022-02-28 155104

This post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

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Thank you so much for your support

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