How to randomly select a response from an initial selection from the select_multiple response list

I want to randomly select a response from an initial selection in a select_multiple type question.

For example, I have the below selection of responses from question Q2

Project SUNRISE 2.0 Questionnaire_V3.xlsx (15.5 KB)

For example, I have Brand10, Brand11 and Brand12 selected in Q2. I need a calculate question that will randomly select any of Brand10, Brand11 or Brand12 for referencing in future questions.

Please note, this is just an example, selection could be any brands, and it’s not necessary it must be 3 brands selected. it could even be all brands selected,

In summary, if selection of some responses is done in select_multiple question, how can I randomly select one response out of the selected responses.

I also attached my Xlsform.

Thanks for any support

@dayom4real, maybe this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

Thanks @Kal_Lam. I have checked this out before… the case is different from household selection. I am not using loop or repeat. I only want to randomly select a response from the previous selection in a select multiple.
