I am looking for a freelancer to create form in XLSForm

I search someone to solve my question or integrate functions to a form in xlsForm format.
I saw that some of the functions I need was discussed before in different Posts in the forum with always different solutions for the individual questions. But Iam not able to solve and merge or integrate the individual solutions to my question.
So I will explain what I want to do with different scenarios:

The starting point is a table (WP table) with waypoints, descriptions, coordinates and information about these waypoints within a project. The rows in the table are the waypoints and the columns contain values ​​such as WP number (must be unique! for a project), WP name, WP description, UTM/Lat values and/or UTM/Long values, types, subcomponents. (The real headers headline differ from my description here at the real table).

Scenario A with one device for navigation and a second device for collecting data:
1 Device: The CSV table with the information about the waypoints is loaded into a navigation app (like OSMAnd/OrganicMaps/Locusmaps) and the coordinates are used to navigate to a waypoint.
2. Device: The Collect app is installed on the second device with the project that contains a form to fill out. In the form should be at first a question (list question), through which the WP number (unique) can be selected and also a geopoint map should also displayed with the waypoints of the WP csv table. The list question and the geopoint map questions have the WP stored/linked in the form as a CSV WP table. So the user can select the waypoint using the marker on the geopoint map if the current location is determined via GPS (for example the WP next of the current location. If there is no GPS signal and the location cannot be determined, then the current location must be selected using the list question from the CSV WP table (select one from csv). After selecting the current WP location (after one of both geopoint map or list question), the following next fields of this block displays some information from the WP CSV table. This should displayed in additional fields (notes) (like WP description, lat values, long values, types, subcomponents with pulldata function). After this is selected I will fill out the complete form to the end and save it.

Additional: b. A CSV WP table is attached to a form/project and stored in the Collect app, with Waypoints, see above. At the form in the collect App you select a WP (see above to use list question or the geopoint map on an OSM map that shows all the waypoints of a project) in order to navigate there and this waypoint is passed on to a navigation app (like OSMAnd/OrganicMaps/Locusmaps) maybe with open external function and pulldata to the navigation App. After the WP is stored in navigation App, navigate to this point and once there, you fill out the rest of the form in which the contents of the other fields from the CSV table are displayed (select one from csv).

Is there someone who can tell me,

  • would it possible with KooboToolbox and ODK collect?
  • if yes, how complicate would it be to create this 4? questiontypes?
  • how much must invest in this?
  • Is there someone interessted?


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Welcome to the community, @MaggiW!

@hakan_cetinkaya @wroos @MohammedTaleb @Andrew1 @rahul_521 @ks_1 @stephenoduor @estefania.avendano @morriz @fadl @Prem @janna @meum92 @osmanburcu @donan28 @Rohitggn @fadl @arunarandeniya @mdarshad17 @shadesl @bonouekaiteie @Prem @marribork @DatamaniacSteve @Colin, @ralphthompson if anyone of you are interested with this assignment!


Thanks @Kal_Lam , I will contact @MaggiW I have been working on a kind of related project

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@Kal_Lam thanks for the tag.
@MaggiW We have a solution for your exact use case but it’s a commercial one. If you’re interested let me know.

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@stephenoduor, @ks_1 :bowing_man:

Thank you @Kal_Lam for the tag. I will try to communicate.

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Hi Maggi,
If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as what you are wanting done is within my skillset
You can reach out to me on my email here

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I will ask again… because no one contact me, after I write a message or one has not send a solution for the questions still today.
Here again the questions, I hope someone is interested:

Create two questions as xlsform as template/question to import this at kobotoolbox server to a project:

1a. In the form should be at first a question (1. question = listfield), through which the Waypointnumbers (called „Messsstelle“ in the csv „messstellentable“) can be selected from the attached csv table. After select one „Messsstelle“, additional values of the csv table will displayed as fields in the form.

1b. Second question, a „geopoint map question“ (openstreetmap) should display all the waypoints of the Waypoints from the attached csv table „messstellentable“ and the current location of the user.

Example: …//forum.getodk.org/t/ability-to-load-locations-into-the-geowidget-to-guide-data-collection/27406/36

For both questions „list question“ and the „geopoint map questions“ the„Messsstelle“/Waypoints stored/linked in the csv „messstellentable“. So the user can select the waypoint using the marker on the geopoint map if the current location is determined via GPS (for example the WP next of the current location, or alternative, if there is no GPS signal and the location cannot be determined, then the current location must be selected using the „list question“ from the CSV WP table. After selecting the WP location, the following next fields of this block displays some values/information from the WP CSV table out of the coulumns. This should displayed in additional fields (notes) (Columns Headlines are „Gewässername“, „Messstellenbezeichnung“, „Rechtswert“, „Hochwert“, „Gewässerart“, „Teilkomponenten“, „Diatomeen-FG-Typ“, „Makrophytentyp“, „Phytobenthostyp“, „LAWA-FG Typ“, „Bundesland“, „Auftraggeber“, „Bemerkungen“ with pulldata function of the selected Waypoint „Messstelle“).

Alternatively the user can also input a text/number in the Listfield „Messstelle“ for a new Waypoint that is not stored at the csv table.

After select a Waypoint the user will fill out the complete form to the end and save it.

2. Create a question as a xlsform, to import this at kobotoobox: To pull / share some values of the selected Waypoint “Messstelle” (see 1a and 1b) in the form. A CSV WP table is attached to a form/project and stored in the Collect app, with Waypoints, see above. The values of the field “Messstelle” as „name“ “Gewässername”, “Messstellenbezeichnung” as „description“ with the „coordinates“ should be shared or pulled to a navigation app (OSMAND, Organicmaops or Locusmaps) (as GPX or KML format) that the Waypoint will open in one of this Apps, to navigate to the Waypoint. See similar discussion here for geopoint2kml: …//community.kobotoolbox.org/t/extract-the-altitude-of-a-gps-point/25846
or the
wayfindig xlsform here: …forum.getodk.org/t/trying-out-the-wayfinding-feature/39167

I can not attach some files at the moment here as a new user…but I can send it if someone contact me…
Attached material:
I attached you a table „ImportHeader_Text_in_Hochkomma_comma_separeted.odt“. That table show the Column names of

  • yellow = a column that identify the waypoint in a project (in the CSV table for a project)
    -green = the values of this columns should displayed at the first page/beginning of the form after I select one Waypoint (= Column “Messstelle”) over a listselect field or geomap, where the waypoints of the csv are shown.
  • blue = after I select I will fill out the form for this waypoint (I think the most of this questions I can create my self, only If I need some specific solution I will ask you to implement it possible…

CSV Table with Waypoints: „messstellentable.csv“
It is in UTF Unicode (UTF-8), separated with commata and fields with “”.
XLSFormExample: A example survey with questions

Questions are not clear for me:

A. What Format must the coordinate stored at the messstellentable.csv to dispay the waypoints at the survey/form as markers? Do I have to convert coordinates from UTM/GaußKrüger format to a specific format for ODK(Kobotoolbox Collect App? Or can be used this to convert?:
