I can't deploy my form due to error 400

your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“The name column for the 'cl6mo03' choice list contains these duplicates: 'other_specify'. Duplicate names will be impossible to identify in analysis unless a previous value in a cascading select differentiates them. If this is intentional, you can set the allow_choice_duplicates setting to 'yes'. Learn more: XLSForm.org”}’

Hi @mainastephenmaina16 ,

Your problem is in this question: “cl6mo03”. One of the options XML name (“other_specify”) is duplicating, check the questions. Options can’t have the same XML value that’s why you are facing an issue. If you want more details just use an XLS form validator ODK - XLSForm Online v2.x

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@mainastephenmaina16, backing up with @osmanburcu, maybe this post discussed previously should help you give an idea of what is happening: