`kobo-install` on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VPS

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for your help here is the screenshot

Could you share some information about your environment? OS version, amount of RAM, swap size, and CPU would be helpful. Also, did you follow the steps above, or did you choose a different configuration?

There should be another step after this where the front-end containers are restarted. I’m guessing that fails as well, but please confirm.

Try running ./run.py --logs, either after the services fail to start or, in another terminal, during Waiting for environment to be ready. You may notice a useful error.

Well noted, I will resume step by step in accordance with your instructions. I’ll come back to you later.

hi, i need your help

But i can’t start docker-compose service…

I am also having trouble completing the kobo docker install. I’m able to walk through all the steps you’ve laid out above till I get to the kobo docker installation itself. when I run the setup, the install fails right after creating the nginx certbot. I’m installing it on a basic DigitalOcean droplet. All the other stuff with installing docker and docker compose went well. See below a screenshot of the error message and where it exits. Would appreciate any pointers as to what the problem could be.

I am trying to install days ago and it always gives me errors. You can help me?

Already on ‘master’
From https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kobo-docker

  • branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
    Creating network “nginx-certbot_default” with the default driver
    Pulling certbot (certbot/certbot:)…
    Pulling nginx (nginx:1.15-alpine)…
    Creating nginx-certbot_nginx_1 … done
    Error response from daemon: Container 5d3e20d604eb76503b09b8f3ca995263afadb02a099e331b13de6ab1e0571f11 is restarting, wait until the container is running
    An error has occurred

hi @ddiazsiempro

There was an issue with some config files in the nginx-certbot repo.
Do you mind to delete the folder (nginx-certbot) and restart kobo-install installation (python run.py --setup)

║ Domain names must be publicly accessible. ║
║ Otherwise Let’s Encrypt won’t be able to valid ║
║ your certificates. ║
Email address for Let’s Encrypt [siempro.salta@gmail.com]:
Please confirm [siempro.salta@gmail.com]
1) Yes
2) No
Cloning nginx-certbot repository to /root/nginx-certbot
fatal: destination path ‘/root/nginx-certbot’ already exists and is not an empty directory.
An error has occurred

As I said, can you delete /root/nginx-certbot (completely. i.e. rm -rf /root/nginx-certbot) first, then retry the installation.

I delete the directory, but it’s like it’s part of a docker container. Try also deleting the container and keep giving error

ok let’s try this:

$kobo-install> python run.py --stop
$kobo-install> rm -rf ../nginx-certbot
$kobo-install> ls -l ../nginx-certbot

It should display this

ls: cannot access '../nginx-certbot': No such file or directory

Then, again

$kobo-install> python run.py --setup
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Sorry about the inconvenience. I also faced the issue. I forgot to update kobo-install too.

Please try this:

$kobo-install> python run.py --stop
$kobo-install> docker ps  # no containers should be up, otherwise stop, them manually
$kobo-install> git pull origin master
$kobo-install> git log -n 1 --oneline
a61b14c (HEAD -> master, origin/master) Changed nginx-certbot init script template to fetch files for kobotoolbox repo instead certbot repo
$kobo-install> cd /root/nginx-certbot/
$nginx-certbox> git log -n 1 --oneline
6a033b9 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Use local ssl files instead of certbot repo
$nginx-certbox> rm -rf data/certbot
$nginx-certbox> cd kobo-install
$kobo-install> python run.py --setup

It should solve your issues. Please give me updated.


I installed on a server from 0 everything with a new domain and it was installed perfectly with the last post it gave me. The only problem I have is that new users cannot register. And when I restart the server, I must manually start the kobo, the docker does not take me. Thank you for all your help.

Can you try the command I gave to ddiazsiempro?

I’ve noticed you install kobo-install as root.
You should install it as normal user and ensure that this user is allowed to start docker. https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/

To restart the containers on reboot, we use a crontab to achieve this.
Create the file /etc/cron.d/kobo-install and add this line into it

@reboot <username> cd <path.to.kobo-install> && /usr/bin/python run.py

Leave the empty line at the end of the file, otherwise cron won’t run it

Obviously, adapt it to your config.


Thanks, I was able to configure it to start automatically. The problem I have is that new users cannot register, I get error 500

It’s often due to bad SMTP settings. Ensure to enter correct ones when prompted by kobo-install.

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Hi, First post on the forum.

I am having an issue where I log onto kf.kobo.local and the page is returned but I am not shown as being logged on. I then manually browse to kc.kobo.local and through link get back to kf.kobo.local and it logs me on now. I am now able to create project and add questions. But i am not able to preview the form for some reason, I get a “loading error”. And on the Collect data when I click “Open” nothing happens.

Has anyone else run into a similar issue?

Thank you.