No Kobocollect display

The form does not recognize the requested value in the KoboCollect app but it does in the Enketo (web) view, which I am doing wrong.
Thank you.

Hi @carlosv
can you share the xls design of this section.

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Of cuorse
Thank you

Hi @carlosv,
Thank you for sharing the file. I have reviewed your xls design. I have edited your xls design and highlighted ‘label’ and ‘calculation’ column as yellow and red color. It is now working in both Kobo mobile app as well as Enketo view. You can see in the attached file.
CPAL22.xlsx (31.9 KB)


  1. You have to link ‘note variable’ with any input variable that you want to show or display on web form or kobo app form. Otherwise it will not be displayed.
  2. For If formula, all the true values should be mentioned in the condition. If there is no false value, you can mention as double apostrophe “”. So that it will be blank. Otherwise true value will be entered which will be wrong and will mislead.

Hope it will be helpful for you.


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@mdarshad17, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: