Not able to see data in xls download

Hi, For a subset of questions in my form, while I’m able to see the data in view form online, it’s not reflecting when i download the xls or in the report summaries

I can see it in view forms/data
But I cant see it in the xls or the summary reports. The entire question sets disappear.

Needed urgent help on this as my survey team is on field right now.

Welcome to the community, @aparajita_dvara! Are those missing data from the repeat group? If yes, please be informed that the data in the repeat group shows up in a different sheet while downloading.

Maybe this post discussed previously should help you see the missing sheet from your repeat group:

@Kal_Lam , thanks so much for the quick response. I am able to see the data now. Is there anyway to view summary reports on this?

@aparajita_dvara, do you mean the results under the custom report?

Yes, I mean the results under the custom reports

Please note that the repeat group has a complex structure and thus the data cannot be easily displayed under the custom report. If you look closely, you will also not find the data from the repeat group under the DATA>Table.