Please help test Enketo 2.8.0

Thank you to everyone who helped to test Enketo 2.7.3 :pray: Based on your feedback, we decided to hold off on updating the production instance of Enketo until those issues were addressed in an upcoming release.

We would love your help to continue testing with the new release of 2.8.0, which addresses the main issue discovered in the previous thread and adds some exciting new features such as support for last-saved, and several other bug fixes.

Please use the same link for the testing server and put the update through its paces :muscle: As a reminder, pay special attention to calculations, validation criteria, and skip logic.

Again, please share your testing results by replying to this post. Even if you find that everything works properly, it’s still helpful for us to know that :ok_hand:

cc. @Kal_Lam, @stephanealoo, @wroos, @nat, @paani, @rahmat, @aamra, @Sjlver, @Rassam, @manu_j


I found no issue. Works properly.


Dears Development team,

I have tested the new update. And didn’t found any issue.

Many thanks for your great efforts.



Dear dev team,

no bugs have been reported on our side. Works correctly too.
Do you have any idea about the implementation date of this new 2.8.0 version ?

Thank you!


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Hi @siwei, thank you for testing and giving feedback! There have been some regression issues raised by the dev team in this release so we are just holding on to see if they are serious enough to prevent a release. If not, we will likely upgrade soon :+1:

Edit: I have received confirmation that it’s not recommended to go ahead with this release of 2.8.0 until some issues have been ironed out — hopefully this will be sorted soon :pray:

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Hi @Josh, thanks for your quick response :slight_smile:
So we will wait for the go from the Kobo team on this thread or elsewhere on the forum before launching the implementation of the new version 2.8.0. We will also monitor the regression problem on github: Form's default media references are removed after submission · Issue #286 · enketo/enketo-express · GitHub


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Hey @Josh, I updated to 2.8.1. You’re welcome to make a new thread about it if you think that’s better for keeping testing feedback organized.