Problem for replacing a form using an excel file (the xlsForm)

Hello everyone, i have this error message when i try to replace my form with the same one. I just modify some label: It is very emergency, i really need help

Here is the error message:

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“There has been a problem trying to replace ${FACING_SAN_PELLEGRINO_25CL_VER} with the XPath to the survey element named 'FACING_SAN_PELLEGRINO_25CL_VER'. There is no survey element with this name.”}’

Thanks in advance !

Welcome @fallou_diaw

As the error message says, you miss a variable/question with this name, but you try to $-reference it.

You may use the Online validator, please, to check your form, step by step during development and before upload and deployment.

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@fallou_diaw, would you mind validate your XLSForm through this online validator? The online validator should help you identify syntax issues if any present within your XLSForm.

Maybe this post discussed previously should help you solve your issue:

You should also be able to learn more about the issue through these previous posts.

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Thank you. Your suggestion is very usefull !

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