Problem loading form

Hello! Two of my coordinators have had this problem since yesterday:

“This register name or ID already exists” When they try to send or save…

What can I do to avoid this from happening or solve it?, Everyday I have more forms sent to me, I only have 477 registers in the data base, but I’m worried this will happen if I have more

Hi @analucia_espinoza

  1. Are these two the only ones having the problem?
  2. Do they have this problem when they use a computer or just limited to the phone browser?
  3. Have you tried this on your end and gotten the problem?

You can however follow other discussions here Error when user submits form: Save Error registry ID already exists


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Hi @analucia_espinoza,

Adding to what @stephanealoo has suggested try clearing the cache of your browser or try changing the browser you are currently using. It should solve the issue.

Have a great day!

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Hello!! Sorry for not answering,

  1. My two coordinators became five with the problem…
  2. I asked them to change the browser and that seemed to solve the problem… It happened in phone browsers, most of them use their phones to respond the forms, so most of them had to download a new browser, If they clean the caché do you think that would help? I don’t want to make them download a new browser eeeevery time :woozy_face:
  3. It doesn’t happen in my end, I think is because I don’t send forms…
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Hi @analucia_espinoza,

Thank you for sharing it with the community! This would be a reference to those facing similar issue in the upcoming days.

Have a great day!

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Hello @analucia_espinoza
Glad this worked for you. I will answer that one question that was still pending:

The download of the browser only happens once if you had not yet updated your browser to the most recent version. Clearing the cache may not fully resolve the issues sometimes though.
