Pull data function not working on Kobo Application

Hi @Kal_Lam - I somehow only today saw your reply! I am so sorry for only replying now. We basically gave up, because I thought it was not possible. We have started our data collection with just using a printed list. But of course that is far from ideal! If we can figure this out before Wednesday, that would be great.

I am still confused about your guidance, because for me the CSV file does already look like in Image 2 in your first linked post. And when I follow your instructions, Excel tells me this:

When I open the Excel, it is saved as CSV UTF-8 (Comma deliminated) (*.csv),

and everything is shown in its own cell (like this: 69158d4b57fac496a83b82746319a2f498df9806.png (842×185) (forum-kobotoolbox-org.s3.dualstack.us-east-1.amazonaws.com) ), not rowed after one another as you assume. Maybe you somehow see it displayed differently to me?

Hi @Kal_Lam and @Victorpaisano25 - I am trying to figure the pulldata option. The issue is that when using Preview on the Kobo platform the data is shown/pulled, however NOT when using a tablet or a phone (Android).
What could be the issue there? Does the tablet or platform need to be set up in a specific way?
Many thanks in advance!

@abwch, as a cross-check, would you mind removing the non-English characters from your CSV file to see how it behaves? Ideally, the instructions outlined above should solve your issue. In addition, please also try using the latest version of the Collect android app if and in case you are using the older versions.