Submissions being duplicated with same uuid

Hello @Kal_Lam,
Thank you. This Gitithub was also cited by jnm above. But there seems to be no news on thiis since 2020, despite being classified as “bug” since 2018. So, further detailed examples from the community might help the developers to fix it?

The new examples confirm that the duplication of the __uuid (doumented as unique) is not caused randomly. We think the bug is very relevant, similar to a prkmary key in a database which can no more trusted as unique.

And if known cases only came from Enketo - or also from Collect, please?

Update: See also another new posting: Unable to delete or edit some submissions

Hello everyone
@Kal_Lam I just wanted to flag a similar situation.
We have noticed that two different submissions (with different data) had the same uuid. I’ve instructed my team to rely on the uuid in case they were to cross-check anything between the excel report file vs. the data on the KoBo server (i.e., table view).


Server: Humanitarian
Username: makkiomar
Project: MoPH - Cholera Treatment Center

All the best

I’m having the same problem. And I see it has been raised since 2018. Duplicate UUIDs/submissions · Issue #470 · kobotoolbox/kobocat · GitHub . What’s the solution?

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