You may try to just add all these special Turkish characters to the list in the [ …]
Attention; The regex example will allow any combination and order, like " " or “+ ? -” or “-1 A”.
You can use the search function of this forum to get more examples and discussion, with the toke “uppercase”.
Maybe also the translate function (as calculation) might be interesting, to automatically correct the input. https://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116/#function-translate
Enter Text to be in Uppercase
Maybe @Xiphware knows, if character classes [:alpha:] OR those classes for Unicode, like \p{Uppercase_Letter} can be used with KoBo/ODK regex. Or [:alpha:]
(See https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Regular_expression&action=view§ion=19#Character_classes and
Kind regards