[URGENT] Save Draft not working

@Kal_Lam - Can you please see my personal message to you? I think my question did not come clearly to you.

@Kal_Lam - Did you receive my message?

@saumyaupadhyay, I checked and it worked at my end. I could save the changes and then load the information back to the form.

Maybe you will need to update your browser to the latest version if it’s outdated? Or maybe you will need to try it in a different computer to test it works.

Hi @Kal_Lam - Did it work for empty fields (or fields that are not pre-populated)?

I have tested it in a different computer and it doesn’t work either

Sorry i just tested with the pull data. And they worked perfectly for me.

Hey @Kal_Lam - pulldata is working fine with Save Draft, but other fields which are empty, if those are filled and then draft is saved, when the draft is retrieved, the fields become empty again (NOT THE PULLDATA fields)

@Kal_Lam - I have Chrome up to date, this does not work on any other computer as well.

So you mean, it’s not an issue with the pulldata but with other normal questions?

@Kal_Lam - Yes! The other questions which do not have any pre-populated data - if you enter some info in such a field (which is empty after pre-population), then Save a Draft and try to load the Draft again, the previously filled fields (except the ones that were prepopulated with pulldata) remain empty and the data is not persisted.

Could you give me a specific question (for testing maybe through a screenshot) so that I could test and see what happens it at my end?

@Kal_Lam - With the key that I have provided you, please do the following:

  1. Enter the key in Vendor Key
  2. Some fields should be pre-populated.
  3. You will see that the question “Who is your parent company (if applicable)” is empty (which is correct)
  4. Now just try to enter some dummy info for this question and Save as a Draft.
  5. If you try to retrieve the Saved Draft, the question “Who is your parent company (if applicable)” will remain empty although you had put in some dummy info while Saving it.

Let me know if you are able to reproduce this issue on your end.

OK, a cross check before i try it at my end, is this question Who is your parent company (if applicable) also a pulldata question returning a blank response or is this a normal question (without a pulldata function in it)?

If it’s a pulldata question returning nothing, you should not be able to save and retrieve what is being saved forcefully. But if it’s a normal question (without a pulldata function in it) you should be able to save and retrieve what is being saved.

Hope I could explain what you are seeking?

@Kal_Lam - Yes this is a pulldata function which returns a blank response. We need pulldata for this question as other keys have those values but it doesn’t exist for this one. If Save Draft will not work if pulldata returns a blank response, is there a workaround? The Save Draft feature is very critical for us.

Sorry, if it’s a pulldata returning a blank response it’s not possible.

@Kal_Lam - Is there any option to only pull data once and then retrieve whatever is being Saved forcefully?

Hi @saumyaupadhyay
I have not tried this proposal

Could you try by putting the pull data function within the once() e…g once(pulldata(xxxxx)) and see if it works.


Hi @stephanealoo - That doesn’t work either. I tried that. If I add once() around the pulldata function, my survey shows a FormLogicError

What about creating a second question that pulls the results of the pull data question with the once approach.


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