Using API to upload media files?

Hi @ks_1 @Josh,

Could you please check my code below. There is no error but as I checked on the kobo media files there is no uploaded csv files on the kobo form medial files.

import os
import requests
import json

KF_URL = ‘******************/submissions/

TOKEN = ‘5b359613c8f***************************’ # Replace with your KoBoToolbox API token
XFORM = ‘aSXwstUL2U3W**********’ # Replace with the relevant KoBoToolbox form ID
FILE_FOLDER = ‘/Users/andisulasikin/PycharmProjects/pythonProject/uploadtokobo’ # Replace with the local folder path where your CSV files are stored
MIME = ‘text/csv’
headers = {‘Authorization’: f’Token {TOKEN}'}

#Get a list of all files in the folder
file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(FILE_FOLDER) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(FILE_FOLDER, f))]

for filename in file_list:
files = {‘data_file’: (filename, open(os.path.join(FILE_FOLDER, filename), ‘rb’).read(), MIME)}
data = {
‘data_value’: filename,
‘xform’: XFORM,
‘data_type’: ‘media’,
‘data_file_type’: MIME,

# Download metadata.json
response = requests.get(fr"{KC_URL}/metadata.json", headers=headers)
    dict_response = json.loads(response.text)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
    dict_response = []
# Delete appropriate entry in the metadata.json (delete old file)
found = False
for each in dict_response:
    if isinstance(each, dict) and each.get('xform') == XFORM and each.get('data_value') == filename:
        found = True
        del_id = each['id']
        response = requests.delete(fr"{KC_URL}/metadata/{del_id}", headers=headers)

if not found:
    print(f"File {filename} not found in metadata. Proceeding with initial upload.")

# Upload the changed file
response ="{KC_URL}/metadata.json", data=data, files=files, headers=headers) print("All files uploaded successfully.")

Add a print(response) in the last line and see what is returned by the server.

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Oh sorry I missed to add print(“All files uploaded successfully.”)

here the response

But on the koboform media files, there is no uploaded csv files.

The files uploaded through this method are not visible in the new kpi interface (as mentioned in this thread somewhere iirc), but they are available to the forms.

You can do a test to confirm.

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Unfortunately, I’ve checked the preview form and they are still not available.

What do you think @ks_1 @Josh @Kal_Lam ? Do you have any solution?

Thanks for those inputs! I manage to do most of it in R, including deleting the csv file that I use to pulldata. However, I cannot upload a new csv file to substitute the deleted one using POST() (library httr).
Would you be able to write the R statement(s) that would upload a csv to the Kobotoolbox server?
Thanks for considering.

Hi @ks_1, do you find that is still working? it is not working on me.

@Kal_Lam - this used to work until recently. we are heavily depending on this to work with Kobo and sync data between our webapplication and the forms.

is there any way to fix the media upload? what exactly did change in kobo internally?

Hi! @Kal_Lam is there an updated version of this to the v2 api?

I’m having difficulties uploading (deleting works fine)