Using Pull Data to Pull Data from Repeat Groups Workaround

Thanks You are right … apparently three dots is a complete word and so it autocorrects two dots to three dots

Dear @stephanealoo,
I had the same problem in a post few days before.
Is there a possibility to change this behaviour for the editor?
Even to provide a general option to deactivate auto-correct?

If it’s marked as solution you cannot change the post text (…) later.
Kind regards

Hi @stephanealoo
Thanks for the answer, I have pasted that but did not work either, there were more brackets than needed, if it goes for 20 cases at most, it should be 20 brackets at the end, it is like nested if’s.
I have fixed that and worked to pass the first error, but I got something that I have never seen as in the picture

whenever I do the pulling, I get this message as I open the form, I have checked and found something like that pasted by someone from the community but there were no solution, I hope you do help me with passing this issue. it looks like KOBO does not recognize the media file that been uploaded whenever I do the if(pulldata) thing, as I remove it, the form just work fine.
Any idea about it ?

Hi @dwaimah,

Would you mind sharing the latest version of both the xlsform as well as the csv file so that we could also have a look and see what is causing the issue at your end.

@Kal_Lam, The xlsm from is the one causing the problem, whenever I remove the if(pulldata) from the form it just works fine, so when I put it back there it causes the probem
meaning that the csv file has no problem at all
I think this one has came from ENKETO idk
There were a previous similar topic that you replied to for someone else he pasted his data and no solution was provided, you said you would report this issue, no further updates on that post.

Dear @Kal_Lam,

How can this approach be used to pre-populate a select_multiple() type question within a repeated loop?