View data from 'repeat questions' in data table

What is the general goal of the feature?
To facilitate the use of ‘repeat questions’. At the moment, the only way to visualize the data submitted in repeat questions is to download the data. This makes the repeat questions largely unusable, as many organizations rely on the data table for at least preliminary analysis, if not for the full data analysis process.

What are the most likely user stories for how and when this would be used by someone on your team?
Users who rely on repeat questions will not need to download the data to visualize the answers. Repeat questions will become much better integrated to the overall data collection flow.

Can you sketch out graphically how you think this should look/work in practice?
Each repeat question should show up as a column, with the option to hide them in the table’s settings (for cases where dozens of repeat answers overwhelm the table).

How useful would this feature be to other users or organizations?

What can you contribute to making this feature a reality?
Feedback, UI, and testing

Hi @raph,

Thank you for this wonderful suggestion. Could you kindly provide a sketch of the same so that we could document your suggestions more clearly.

Have a great day!

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Hi @Kal_Lam, thank you for looking at this suggestion.

There wouldn’t be much of design change. The idea is simply to make responses from repeat group visible in the data table. Last time I tested repeat groups, we had to go into the individual form to see responses from repeat groups. It looks like this is being addressed here though.


Hi @raph,

Kindly please be informed that data from repeat groups are now visible (viewable) under DATA>Table. For more, please feel free to have a look at our announcement:

Thank you for making this wonderful feature request. Expecting the same in the upcoming days as well.

This is great news, thank you for the note @Kal_Lam!

Does this also mean that the data from repeat groups is now exported in the .csv document?

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Hi @raph
Welcome back to the community forum.

Structurally, it is not possible to get data from the repeat groups downloaded within the CSV. As you know, CSV only takes one sheet of data and not multiple. On the other hand, repeat groups are stored on a separate sheet. Looking at these two structural issues, data from CSV would not be able to include data from two datasheet streams.



Hi @raph , apologies for this sudden inquiry but I would be extremely grateful if you could get back to me. I was looking for effective ways to analyze repeat group data that comes in separate sheets. I came across some videos suggesting the use of Power Pivot to establish relationships between index and parent index but If there are other ways this could be done effectively (including from the stage of form building), please kindly share any idea or resources that you may have. Thank you in advance!