500 Error when deploying form


I am getting the 500 error when deploying a from which has been validated so no errors. What could the issue be? I can preview it but it wont deploy

Welcome back to the community, @Elyjoy! Could you let us know the server you are using? Please also let us know the total number of questions you have in that form. These details should give us a clue about your issue.

I am using the kobo server and the form has 9 questions

@Elyjoy, 9 questions in a form should not have issues uploading to the server. Did your XLSForm pass the online validator check?

Yes it did
Impact Study Consent Form DRC (1).xlsx (22.4 KB)

@Elyjoy, thank you for brining this to our attention. Kindly please follow the instructions outlined below to overcome this issue (temporality until we identify the issue and fix it).

  • Use this XLSForm. Here in this version I have removed the default_language and instance_name column header as your form only have one language and you have not defined any instance_name to your form. So removing them would not affect your project details.
    Impact Study Consent Form DRC (1).xlsx (24.2 KB)

  • Upload this XLSForm to your server.

  • Do not deploy. Instead after uploading the XLSForm, press the pen like edit button to edit the form in the formbuilder.

  • Now, go to Layout & Settings as shown in the image below:

  • Change Grid theme with headings in ALL CAPS to Grid theme as shown below:

  • Now SAVE the form and then Deploy.

These steps should solve your issue.

Thank you, this worked

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@Elyjoy, :bowing_man: