About downloading of the linary data


I’ve been working on kobo for a while, I can’t download the lines and polygons recorded in the field.
I would like to know if there is a way to do it, and if so, how can I do it?

Thank you

What do you find when you download your data for these particular data types?


Thanks for your question Stephane, the problem encountered, I can only download the data in CSV, XLS format … But when I download them in KML, the content is empty.

However I see the information about the different longitudes and latitudes to build the track in the Excel file.

Other things, Kobo allows me to visualize the lines and delimitations made.


Not sure if this is helpful, but we do have a GeoJSON API endpoint:
/api/v2/assets/[your asset UID]/data/?format=geojson

If you visit /api/v2/assets/[your asset UID]/data/, you’ll find some documentation about how it works, which I’ve pasted here for convenience:

About the GeoJSON format

Requesting the geojson format returns a FeatureCollection where each
submission is a Feature. If your form has multiple geographic questions,
use the geo_question_name query parameter to determine which question’s
responses populate the geometry for each Feature; otherwise, the first
geographic question is used. All question/response pairs are included in
the properties of each Feature, but repeating groups are omitted.

Question types are mapped to GeoJSON geometry types as follows:

  • geopoint to Point;
  • geotrace to LineString;
  • geoshape to Polygon.

Thank you for your help jnm, I will read the document so that I can follow the process.
