Addition of information according to the number of hand washing device

Hello friends
My concern this morning is how a repeat loop depending on the number of handwashing devices in each school.
Investigator: how many devices are there in the school?
Respondent: 3.
DLM 1 composition
DLM 2 composition
DLM 3 composition

Hi @esy_cari2020,

You could do the same using the repeat_count as outlined in the image below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:
Image 1

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo:

Reference xlsform:
Repeat Count.xlsx (10.1 KB)

Have a great day!

I understand perfectly I was on the voice, but what I would like instead of the text, it is rather a multiple choice list that the collector can check to know:
1- Local materials
2- Manufactured product
3- Others
for each hand washing device.
thanks for the help

Hi @esy_cari2020,

You could change the text question to select_multiple question type according to your need. Or is it something that i am missing. If yes, could you please try to provide a pictorial description so that we understand your issue more clearly.

Have a great day!