Advanced calculate function using if-statement

Hi All,

Currently trying to input a calculate function on my form

Calculate function is

It works on excel, but not when deploying the form to the server. Attempting to change values for another calculate function

When attempting to delpoy, kobo says this
your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: {“detail”:“ODK Validate Errors:\n>> XForm is invalid. See above for the errors.\norg.javarosa.xform.parse.XFormParseException: Invalid calculate for the bind attached to “${dairy_vit_A_code}” : Bad node: org.javarosa.xpath.parser.ast.ASTNodeAbstractExpr@7a0ac6e3 in expression =IF( ${How_many_days_in_the_past_one__004} <1,1,IF( ${How_many_days_in_the_past_one__004} >=1,2,IF( ${How_many_days_in_the_past_one__004} <=6,2,IF( ${How_many_days_in_the_past_one__004} >6,3))))\n\nResult: Invalid”}

Any tips for this one?


Dear Ben,
you need to use if (small letters) for KoBo.

IF or If generates an error.
Best regards

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Hi @benmcdermott,

Would you mind trying out (using the if statement) as shown in the image below:

Reference xlsform:
If Condition.xlsx (11.5 KB)


Hi @Kal_Lam,

Thanks for providing this solution, it worked perfectly!

Would you have any ideas what the issue with this code is?

if(and(${During_the_last_completed_4_we}=“yes”, ${If_Yes_How_often_did_this_happen}=rarely__1_2_ti, 1), if(and(${During_the_last_completed_4_we}=“yes”, ${If_Yes_How_often_did_this_happen}=sometimes__3_1, 1), if(and(${During_the_last_completed_4_we}=“yes”, ${If_Yes_How_often_did_this_happen}=often__10__tim, 2, 0))))

Trying to put in an extended if code for calculating household hunger scale. Need output values of 0, 1 or 2. The question before is a yes/no question with a skip logic built in, hence why I was thinking of adding an ‘and’ function. Before using just if, i was getting a value of 1

Thanks for your time,

Hi @benmcdermott,

I see an additional “and” in the syntax you have been using.


Hi @Kal_Lam,

Are you saying to only get rid of one ‘and’ ? If so, could you highlight which one? Or to not use them at all?


if(…) should not start with in any “and”.
Best regards

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