Afar Region Education Cluster EiE Rapid Assessment Tool
Overall Description of Rapid Assessment
This assessment is being conducted to identify the barriers to education for children in different schools of Afar Regional State. We are gathering information from different individuals, including children, teachers, caregivers, PTSA and school supervision committee.
The assessment gathers information on: -
• Student’s absenteeism and attendance rate challenges,
• Assess commitment of teachers, caregivers, PTSA and school supervision committee.
• Assess REB and WEB monitoring and supervision checklist and duration.
• Assess community engagement in schooling activities.
• Availability of school infrastructures and facility.
• School management system and teachers’ engagement.
Here in after, the results of the survey will be used to improve existing and future programming for children.
KII for Teachers and Education Authority
Background Information
Interview Details
Date of interview: Gregorian Calendar dd/mm/yyyy) [] OR Ethiopian Calendar []
School identification -
Woreda: ___________________
Name of Village: ________________
Name of school: ________________________________
Did the Respondent assent/consent to be surveyed? Yes………… No…………
Name of interviewee: _____
Gender: __________
Age of Respondent [___|___] years old
How many children are enrolled in the academic year?
Boys Girls
Non-Formal -
How many children are regularly attending? Regular attendance is approx 4-5 days/ week most weeks.
Boys Girls
Non-Formal -
Are any of the following community groups ACTIVELY supporting education in this area? (District/township/camp). Select all that apply.
Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSAs)
Women’s groups
Children and/or youth clubs
Religious groups
Others (Specify)
Answer not known/ available -
Please rank top 2 most active from the selected groups
Women Groups
Children and Youth Clubs
Religious Groups -
Are any of the following governance structures/ management systems in place and supporting the education sector in this area? Select all that apply.
Education steering committee at all levels
Education & training board at all levels (Regional, woreda, Kebele & school levels)
Continuous Professional Development Committee (CPD)
Answer not known/ available -
Which of the following groups are supporting education in this area? Choose all that apply.
A. Community education committees (eg, PTSA)
B. School supervision Committee
C. Local NGOs
D. International NGOs
E. UN Agencies
Others (Specify) -
Based on your experience, do education actors provide education materials for children and girls?
A. Textbooks
B. Menstrual hygiene management materials
C. WASH Facilities
D. Other Educational Materials (eg. stationary) -
Have/are teachers receiving training on the following topics? Which ones are needed? (if possible include numbers or % teachers for each)
Types of training Already Received Needed
A. Teaching in an accelerated manner
B. Child centered pedagogy/ approach
C. Teaching children with disabilities
D. Training on the revised curriculum
E. Classroom management
F. Child protection and wellbeing
G. Psycho-social well-being
H. Violence prevention, including sexual & gender-based Violence
I. Hygiene and sanitation promotion -
Is student absenteeism a major problem? YES: _____ NO: ______
If “YES”, what are the main reasons for student absenteeism? Select three that apply.
Education expenses
Engaged in paid work
Family business/farm/ household tasks chores
Caring for siblings
Other, Specify ________________________________ -
Is teacher absenteeism a problem? YES: _____ NO: ______
If “YES”, what are the main reasons for teacher absenteeism? Select three that apply.
No Compensation/ incentives/ salary
Family business/farm/ household duties
Lack of support to teachers through training
Caring for family
Religious services
Other -
Are teachers paid regularly and on time? YES: _____ NO: ______
If “YES”, when was the last date of a month most teachers were paid? Please share frequently paying time/date: ________________________. -
Are there teacher support groups (e.g. unions, teacher clusters, PTAs, SMCs or other community education structures) which provide support to you/other teachers? YES: _____ NO: ______ If YES, mention the types of support that groups provided to the school and teachers?
List relevant information: __________________________________________ -
Do you know teachers at this school or other schools who don’t feel supported by their headmasters/head teachers? YES: _____ NO: ______
If NO, what are some of the reasons for them not feeling supported?
- What are some ways headmasters/ head teachers can make other teachers like you all feel supported? _____________________________________________________
- Basic school/Temporary Learning Space infrastructure - What type of space is it?
Brick / Permanent
Local materials
Under a tree/ shaded area - In square meters, what is the average size of all classrooms? _________
- On average, which parts require repair and rehabilitation? Select all that apply.
Roof and/or ceiling
Floors and/or walls
Doors and/or windows
Other (specify) - What is the proportion of students who have a chair/bench/mat to sit on?
< 25% - Is there a playground in the school/center? Yes ___ No ___
- Are there recreational materials available (such as balls, toys etc.)? Yes ___ No ___
- Is there availability of water supply in the school? Yes ___ No ___
- If “YES”, what is the source of drinking water?
Piped water
Protected open well
Unprotected open well
River/ lake/stream
Rain water (tank/pot)
Other, specify: __________________________________________ - Is the water supply clean and accessible? Yes ___ No ___; If “YES”, is the water supply regular and sufficient? Yes ___ No __
If “NO” for question #7, does the absence of water supply in the school is contributing factor for student’s absenteeism and low attendance rate? Yes ___ No __ - Do hygiene promotion activities take place in the school? Yes ___ No __
- What is the student- latrine ratio for girls? ______
- What is the student- latrine ratio for boys? ______
- Are the latrines maintained & safe? This means, at minimum, lights, locks, and doors are functioning. Yes ___ No __
- Is handwashing stations are functioning in school? Yes ___ No __
- Are the handwashing stations friendly for children with disabilities? Yes ___ No __
- What is the availability of teaching & learning materials in schools?
Stationery (such as Pens, pencils, eraser, ruler, exercise books, etc.)
Teaching aids (such as Flashcards, board stationery, posters, paper, etc.)
Textbooks (Government textbooks wherever possible to a ratio of 1 set per child)
Assistive Devices (such as crutch, wheelchair, braille system, eyeglasses, hearing aid, communication cards, picture-based instructions)
FGD for Children - Do you regularly attending in school? YES ____ NO ____
- If “No” what are the reasons that students miss school?
- Does your teachers teaches you all classes regularly? YES ____ NO ____
- If “No” do you report the issue to your school director/school committee?
- Does your school have water and WASH facilities? YES ____ NO ____
- If “No” do you think that lack of water is a contributing factor for student’s absenteeism and dropout?
- List down the most needed things that should be fulfilled in your school.
a. ______________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________ - How can your school be better overall? Share three suggestions:
FGD for Caregivers
- Do your children regularly attending school? YES ____ NO ____
- If “No” what are the reasons that your children missing from school?
- What are the major barriers to children education attendance in your community? Probe: - a) household responsibilities, b) Distance to travel to school, c) Inadequate classroom facilities, d) Inadequate WASH facilities, e) Safety concerns/conflict, f) Displacement, and g) Others Specify __________________________________
- Have you participated or attended any school and events organized to promote child enrolment in schools? Yes ____ No ____, if ‘YES’, what you learnt from the meeting?
- Do you know that parents have the obligation to control education activities and all school properties? Yes ____ No ____, if ‘YES’, what was your role and contribution to control and monitor overall schooling activities?
- Do you think that the school director and administrators properly functioning for quality education and to increase students attendance rate? if ‘YES’, what are the qualities of school administrators?
- If “No” for question #6, what should be done to increase quality of education in school?
- Do you think that school PTAS and supervision committee’s working properly in the school? Yes ____ No ____, if ‘YES’, what was contribution to increase attendance rate of children?
- If “No” for question #8, what are the problems hindered them to exercise their assigned duties.
- What should be done in the community and in schools to reduce the negative impact child and teachers absenteeism from school?