How can I calculate between two dates?. Actually, I want to calculate the Year, Month and Day; just like as: 1 Year 11 Month and 29 Days.
Welcome back to the community @tanzilhuda! Maybe the post discussed previously should solve your issue:
Thanks for informing me @Kal_Lam. But unfortunately, I can not understand properly that topics. I will be grateful if you give me a clean xls file which can able to calculate days, months and year. Because I always love your clean code.
Thank you so much.
hi @tanzilhuda
Did you have a clear look at the topic shared by @Kal_Lam? I believe it is quite clear unless we are not getting your specific question. Could you clarify which areas did not make sense so that we amend to benefit the entire community.
Hi @stephanealoo, Actually I can not calculate Day, Month, Year from 2 different dates. Do you give me a simple xls file which can calculate Day, Month and Year.
Hi @tanzilhuda
I have slightly amended the form that had been attached earlier. Could you please confirm if the highlighted segment would help in your case
See attached file
AgeCalculation.xls (24.5 KB)