Allow entries during specific hours of the day

Hello everyone
I need your help with this

I want to make my form available in a specific time of everyday
For example allowing users to open the form from 8 am until 4 pm only
is that possible?

Good Evening Mr.Kak Lam

I need your help with this

I want to make my form available in a specific time of everyday
For example allowing users to open the from 8 am until 4 pm only
is that possible?

Welcome to the community, @Diana639! Did you mean you wanted the enumerators to submit the collected forms during the specified time frame (8 AM to 4 PM) only? Or did you mean you wanted the enumerators to only collect the data at the said time (8 AM to 4 PM)?

@Kal_Lam I want the enumerators to only collect the data at the mentioned time (8 to 4 )
In another word I don not want to allow them to fill the form at home

@Kal_Lam is that possible in kobo?

Hi Diana,
You can run a calculate off the start field to return the hour of the day - format-date-time(${start},‘%H’) - name the result ‘hour’.
Then you can insert a note before the survey questions explaining when they should use the form, insert a relevance clause ${hour} < 8 OR ${hour} > 16 determining when you want that note to appear and make it required (true), which demands an answer (you can’t answer notes).
Mostly data collectors gonna find a way around but this is a start.


@chris thanks a lot Chris
I tried it and I think it worked

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This is awesome!