API request limited to the first 99 assets


I am trying to download the list of assets for an account that has a large amount of projects through the API. ( KoboToolbox Form Building API (humanitarianresponse.info). It works fine, but the .json I get from the request contains only the first 100 results (assets) ? Is there a way to have the complete list?

Many thanks


Welcome to the community, @olivier_c! Could you share a screenshot so that the community should also understand your issue pictorially?


Yes, the results are paginated. If there are more results than will fit in a single page (more than 100), there will be a next link to the next page. Your application should follow that link to retrieve the next 100 matching assets, and then continue this pattern until all desired assets have been retrieved.


Thanks for your replies. I have actually solved the issue by providing the limit parameter , see here: https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v2/assets/?limit=1000
Works well now!

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@olivier_c, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: