I have a survey with a large list of schools, I’m using a list from a csv file that works correctly, but I would like to know if there is a appearance function that allows me to search a list of schools just typing some initial letters, e.g. School ABC, just typing AB take me to the right option.
Welcome @oppensocial,
The autocomplete appearance may solve your demand, see Question Types - ODK Docs.
(Updated, see Janna.)
But I think it will find the search token anywhere in a choice label, and small and capital, e.g. ‘b’ will find ABC and B and bc.
Another option for long lists might be minimal (without search).
The other appearance that could be helpful here (especially if you have a really long list of schools and you want to type in letters to help filter down the list) is ‘autocomplete’.
In your ‘appearance’ box, you can use both minimal (as suggested by @wroos ) and autocomplete, like this: autocomplete minimal
(i.e., you can just use a space between each word and it will apply both appearances).