Appearance settings in mobile devices

I was using an autocomplete setting for the appearance field in my survey. When I tested a version on Android and iPhone (through the browser), I encountered a problem when trying to select a school. I type the name, but the filtered options don’t appear. Instead, the filtered school list shows up above the keyboard as suggestions. Can I fix this issue through some setting?

@oppensocial, are you trying to use it on a cascading select question type or is it on a select_one/select_multiple question type?

It is a select_one_from_file question type.

@oppensocial, could you kindly share with the community a screenshot of your XLSForm that holds the appearance setting for that question? The community should be able to understand your issue pictorially and help you out.

@oppensocial, maybe you are trying to use the quick appearance instead of the autocomplete appearance for a select_one_from_file question type?

Here is a sample of how to use the same:

I was already using autocomplete appearance in my survey. But unfortunately I can load the choices options on the mobile screen. I just can choice by a list above my keyboard. It makes a little complicated when I need to collect data on mobile browsers.