Assign permissions to lots of users with the API

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When a project is shared with lots of users, the UI may slow down and/or become unresponsive.

The solution below can be used as a workaround to assign permissions to many users at once.


  • A REST client (e.g.: Postman, Insomnia etc…).
  • To be comfortable with advanced use of an API

First you need to retrieve your API token

With your browser, go to and copy the token you get.
(You can replace by your domain if needed)
You should see something like:

    "token": "aa1111111aaaaaaaaaa11aa1a1aaaa"

Your token is aa1111111aaaaaaaaaa11aa1a1aaaa

In this example, we are using Insomnia as the RESt client.

Go to Download - Insomnia
Download “Insomnia Core” for your operating system.

When install the software and open it.

  • Create a new request

    1. Click the + symbol
    2. Create new request
    3. Change GET to POST
    4. Change No Body to JSON
    5. Use the name you want
    6. Click create
  • Click on Auth tab

    1. Change the type by clicking on the arrow from No authentication to Bearer Token
    2. In token field: enter the token you got at the beginning
    3. Prefix: Type Token

  • Change API endpoint

    1. On the textbox on the top, enter the url of the API endpoint used for permissions:<asset_uid>/permission-assignments/bulk/
      2.<asset_uid> is the unique string of the project.
  • Build the permissions for API requests
    This part is a little tricky when you are not used to and it could look like more complicated than it is really.
    Let’s assume this:

  • user1 is allowed to see user2 and user3 submissions
  • user2 can only add data
  • user3 can only add data
  • user1, user2, user3 are usernames1. Open JSON tab and copy and paste this json below
    "permission": "",
    "user": ""
    "permission": "",
    "user": ""
    "partial_permissions": [
        "filters": [
          {"_submitted_by": {"$in": ["user2", "user3"]}}
        "url": ""
    "permission": "",
    "user": ""
2. Click Send.

I hope it helps


Hi @nolive ,

Many thanks for sharing this, is there a way to remove users or delete permission using API?

Thanks in advance.



Hello @Ysr3322 ,
You can do it with the example I showed. Just remove permissions you don’t want from this payload and the permission will be removed.

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