Attendance sheet and Cascading option

Hello community! I want to build a form to capture the attendance of our participants. The form will have the following cascading options-
Org name—>Facilitator name---->Participants name. Once the user selects the facilitator’s name, they get a list of participants. How can I add a function for capturing attendance once the participant’s name appears? Can anyone help with it?

@launchgirls_data, you should be able to add cascading select questions as outlined in this support article Adding Cascading Select Questions.

Hello, can you also please state the format for the csv file? Should everything in the csv file be in smallcase? And the options in cascading are organization >> facilitator >> batch >> and then the CSV file will display the participant’s name batch-wise.

@launchgirls_data, do you wish to use cascading select choices from an external CSV file? If no, the support article shared above should do the job.