Auto Next option when user enters an answer

Is there a way, when the user selects an answer in kobocollect. It automatically goes to the next question, user doesnt have to swipe right to left.

Hi @simon2107,

Welcome to the community! It’s possible only with the following condition:

  • If you are using KoBoCollect android app as this feature does not support in Enketo.
  • This feature only works with select_one question type and not with other question types at the moment.

You could do this by using the quick under the appearance column.

If you are building your survey form through a form builder UI, you could do it as outlined in the image below:

If you are building your survey form through an xlsform, you could do it as outlined in the image below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:

Image 1

In the choices tab of your xlsform:

Image 2

Reference xlsform:

Auto Advances.xlsx (10.4 KB)

Have a great day!

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Is the restriction to select_one already noted in the official documentation? Otherwise might be good to add it, please.

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Hi @wroos,

You should see this in the official documentation.

Have a great day!

Hi @wroos

Logically speaking though, this cannot be applied to other types of entry questions because the user had to indicate whether they are done with that kind of entry as opposed to select_one


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I also found it in the documentation meanwhile (sorry for delay)
(and, here under title with select_multiple)

Very few other types could (theoretically) also allow such automatic behaviour, like range, acknowledge.
Kind regards


Thanks a lot for the assistance

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