I am collecting a survey on a sensitive topic and I want users to have the option to abandon at any point. However, I would like to record when they abandoned the survey so that I can measure drop-out rates. Is there a way to record everyone who opened the survey even if they don´t get to the end of the questionnaire and submit it?
Ideally it would be a sort of auto save that automatically saves “partial” answers every 2 or 5 minutes. However I don´t think this is possible with Enketo Web Forms? Is there any work around this? Please help me with creative ideas.
Hi, I want to conduct a public survey but I would like to record partial responses. My survey is divided in several sections. Is it possible for respondents to “submit” their partial responses after each sections? This is to still save information from participants who may drop out at some point.
Alternatively, consider adding skipping logic after each section. This could involve a quick question asking if the person wants to continue, allowing them to decide whether they want to close the survey or sending it.
@anaguv, in addition to what @pahoy has advised, you could also make the mandatory response of questions false or add a group skip to the questions so that if they skip, they could end the survey without needing to collect data for the entire questions.
@pahoy@Kal_Lam thanks for your replies. I am collecting data through Online-Only (single submission) so I don´t think users can save form progress because they don’t have the “Save Draft” button.
If I take the alternative of asking the respondents if they want to continue or close the survey, is there an automatic way for those who wish to terminate the survey to automatically send their responses? Or would they still have to be redirected to the last questions/screen and there they need to click the Submit button for me to get their answers?