Hi, I am totally new to KoBoToolbox and XLS Form. Just the 2nd day since I started. I am working on this form which users will select a particular district in a country. List of districts will be populated based on the user’s response to the province question (cascaded questions). Users will select a district using a “select one” type of a question. I have a list of latitudes and longitudes data for each of this district. But my question is can my map/point widget auto-select the location based on what the user select under “District” question? Can someone please guide me to develop the XLSForm for this?
Welcome to the community, @prageeth08! Maybe this is the post you are trying to search through the forum (which has already been discussed previously):
Thank you so much!! This is exactly the thing I wanted. Managed to update my form.
Extremely thankful for your swift and helpful response. Have a good day!