Hey there
I am working in a mapping NGO and our team meet a pretty annoying aspect. When you have calculated fields in your survey, you cannot display them in the map : this is the case for numerical (ie results of sum of variable 1 and variable 2) or text (ie “if response to this and that is so and so, specify “X” ) calculations. Nevertheless, these are often at the heart of what one wants to represent in a data collection that has a geographical component. For example, if we are conducting a survey about water where a calculation field calculates the average quantity of water per day we can not display it on the map. Whereas it’s the most important aspect for us of the whole form in this case.
We are using the KOBO Humanitarian response instance.
The idea will be to have these calculated fields also in the list of things we can display on the map as a disaggregation variable.
This feature will be very useful to the visualization of data and to improve the quality of a lot of work by saving a lot of time: using directly KOBO instead of download data to use another way to visualize key indicators of this form.
I hope this is something the community would also find useful, thanks in advance for thinking about this suggestion !