Blank data

Hi Kal,
I am experiencing some set of blank data too within a set of group in my project.

A quick response will be well appreciated.

@Olugbenga, could you provide more details on this? Maybe some screenshots related to the same should also be helpful for us to understand your issue pictorially.

These two screen shots shows the affected section at the back end, this started from October 10.

Thank you.

Screenshot of blank data 1.png

Is the data OK under the DATA>Table view?

Thank you and for further clarification, here is an attached screenshot as the table appears,

  1. screen shot is with data,
  2. missing data though it was captured
  3. With data
  4. Missing data in a different rows and columns after table was downloaded

Thank you.

So you mean that the data is available when downloading as xls format but is missing here:


Is this your issue?

Yes. This is it

@Olugbenga, could you share with me the following through a private message so that we could have a closer look at our end:

  • Username
  • Project name
  • Server

Username: xxxxxxx
Project name: Appeals Beneficiary Profile
Server: Non Humanitarian

@Olugbenga, seems like you have redeployed your survey project 20 different times. Did you add some variable at the later phase of the survey and redeploy your survey project?

Yes we did exactly that.

Maybe this post discussed previously should help you understand what exactly happens when you redeploy your survey project after adding or removing some variables:

Thank you.

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