Blank xls data

I have blank data in some entries in xls despite the data being in Kobotoolbox table. The data however in in duplicates columns in Kobotoolbox.

Welcome @BrianMwenda,
This is the result of some changes to your form. It seems that you added group names later. You may use export (advanced) settings include all versions.

There is also a support article Recovering Data From Previous Form Versions that should help you understand more about how to get your data in such cases.


Thanks for your response. It’s true I changed the form from a repeating group to non repeating group then redeployed. I have ticked download from all 8 versions. Unfortunately only a single data collector’s data is missing in the rows as shown in the screenshot

This is how the data appears in separate groups in kobotoolbox

@BrianMwenda, if you change a repeat group variable to a non-repeat group variable, the variable structure should be distorted. Maybe you can check that out in a dummy project too by first making a repeat group, then collecting some dummy submissions, and then changing the repeat group variable to a non-repeat group variable.

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I have the data in kobotoolbox table format however a section of the data is missing

@Kal_Lam I have the data in kobotoolbox but once downloaded, some entries from a specific data collector is missing

@Kal_Lam This is how the data appears. Same data different columns

@wroos @Kal_Lam

some of my data appears in two separate columns in the table format yet it’s the same value. Is there a way I can merge the data to one column in kobotoolbox? If I download it to xls, a specific data collector’s data is missing.