If you put Language as English (en) with Label and there is a choice_filter with randomize=true, then the program does not open in Preview and Enketo.
Attaching sample xls form for your reference. If you remove English (en) from label or if you remove choice_filter or if you remove randomize=true from parameter, it works and run in Preview and Enketo. But all 3 cannot be put together. I think this is a bug.
But to mention it works perfecly fine in KoboCollect App.
Sample Xlsform
Randomize Choices.xlsx (41.7 KB)
Kindly revert on this as this is a major concern for us. We cannot use languages with this.
I believe the combination of randomize and a choice-filter is not supported in Enketo (whereas it is in the mobile ODK/KoboCollect app).
See: Randomize() with itext · Issue #322 · enketo/enketo · GitHub
There is also a (brief) discussion of this Collect/Enketo disparity here: Randomize in multi choices question? - Support - ODK Forum
If you wish to randomize filtered options - in a form that is intended to be filled in via the Enketo web interface (preview or otherwise) - you may need to either refactor your form to not require filtering the options, or not present them randomized.
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