Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but the bulk editing feature may cause some problems because:
You can edit the result of a calculation question
You can edit the photo upload question and change the photo filename without uploading it.
You can change an answer which may have an impact on the skip logic of the form and require other changes had it been done in the usual way.
I feel that a careless or tired validator may very well make the above mistakes which can cause serious problems in the integrity of the collected data.
Calculation questions will be removed from the bulk edit selection screen.
I actually see this as less insidious than incorrectly bulk-updating a regular response. At least the missing media file will be obvious.
Due to the complexity involved, we do not have any plans to apply skip logic, constraints, or validation to bulk edit operations, nor do we plan to re-evaluate calculations during bulk edits.
This is a truly powerful and dangerous feature that should, frankly, have a very small use case for things like a common misspelling of a location name.