i’m trying to bulk submit data using a legacy interface, but I received this error: We no longer recommend using the legacy interface 500 error.
and when i trying to use the new access interface i received this:
405 Error: Method Not Allowed!
Welcome to the community @ayatabbas! Have you gone through our support article Manually Uploading Submissions. It should solve your issue.
yeah, i used it before & it was working perfect. But now it said you are no longer support it.
Could you kindly share with us the screenshot you see when you follow the steps.
may be it works for humanitarian version?!
FYI, here is a test that was successful through the HHI server
as well:
yeah, i mean it works for HHI server not for “kc.kobotoolbox.org”
ok, still having the same issue…
I am also receiving 500 error when tried to submit exported zip file from web browser on the following link: https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/myusername/bulk-submission
Please resolve the issue or guide way to upload exported data when unable to submit directly.
Welcome to the community, @saujhmis! Could you share the screenshot without any striking through a private message so that I could look at it more closely?