I am trying to apply calculation from multiple choice questions and reflect options display in next question.
for Example I have a series of questions… for 6 brands
A21. MetLife (American Life Insurance Company ALICO)
A22. Nepal Life Insurance
A23. National Life Insurance
A24. LIC Nepal
A25. Citizen Life Insurance
A26. Himalayan Life Insurance
Now in A2a questions I want to display the brands only which has selected 11 in A21… A26. for respective brands.
I have applied calculation part but it does not work and shows error while previewing Form.
Could you please support me out to execute the same.
XLS form has been attached for your reference. J2012.xlsx (55.3 KB)
@rameshpradhan, we would appreciate it if you could just share the relevant part of your XLSForm instead of sharing the entire XLSForm with the community. That would save the community time to focus on your issue rather than read the entire XLSForm (which would take time).
I have questions
A21. Metlife
A22. Nepal Liffe
A23. National Life
A24. LIC
A25. Citizen
A26. Himalayan
Another Question
A2a… Name of Inisurance companies with options
12=Nepal Liffe
13=National Life
Now I am trying to
display option Metlife in A2a if 11 is selected in A21
display option Nepal Life in A2a if 11 is selected in A22
display option National LIfe in A2a if 11 is selected in A23
display option LIC in A2a if 11 is selected in A24
display option Citizen in A2a if 11 is selected in A25
display option Himalayan in A2a if 11 is selected in A26
But my confussion is these A21…A26 questions are with multiple responses… so I had tried writing if (selected(${A21}… … But looking at your resolved syntax it is directly written A21=… can we directly write for multiple responses variable ?