Dear Kal_Lam,
Good Morning!
Thank you very much for your kind support. As per your instruction, I have developed a form which form calculating the score well…
But in one portion i cant manage the calculation.
in Washington Group Short Set Questions if anyone select Yes, some difficulty or yes a lot of difficulties question (1-6 any of of the question only 5 point for selection )
in the section a) no:2- Persons with disabilities… only add 5 points add.
As far as i understood you, if Yes, some difficulty or Yes, a lot of difficulty is selected for a question say Q1 (5 score is added) similarly if the same is selected in Q2 (another 5 score is added) … and finally you add Q1 to Q6? Did i get that correct?
Meanwhile i did not understand this that you have mentioned in the post:
Dear Kal_Lam,
Q1-Q6 (Only 5 score is added)
if anyone Q1-Q6= Yes, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty score will be =5
or if anyone Select only one question Yes, some difficulty,a lot of difficulty then also score will be =5
else anybody Q1-Q6 select No, no difficulty,Cannot do it at all then score =0
Hello @PALASH9698,
sorry, but are you sure?
I would believe, it should be like
if( (${SeeDisability} > 2 or ${HearDisability} > 2 or ${WalkDisability} > 2 or ${RememDisability} > 2 or ${SelfcareDisability} > 2 or ${CommuDisability} > 2), 'Yes", ‘Np’).