Calculation for 2-part question in dynamic data attachment attempt

Hi all,

I am trying to create a dynamic data attachment to link my parent survey with a child survey. The first survey has a question asking if participants continued using a hormonal IUD (yes/no). If no, then they received a question asking what birth control they are using, where they are given a list of options they choose one from.

In my child survey, I want to create questions that pull their previously used method documented in survey 1 into questions (i.e. Are you still using ___? Do you have any side effects with ___?)

A lot of the calculation examples I am seeing online look like they are pulling from one question, but I would like to pull from 2 questions, if that makes sense. If they say yes to using the hormonal IUD in survey 1 then they will be asked if they are still using it in survey 2. if they said no and then noted what method they are using in survey 1, I want to ask if they are still using that method in survey 2.

Does anyone have any tips?

Thank you!

Welcome to the community, @lilyduboff! Kindly please be informed that the Dynamic Data Attachment feature is alike the pulldata function where you will be able to pull the information to a question if the identifier matches. The only difference between the two is that the DDA is able to pull data from a deployed project that is in the KoboToolbox server while the pulldata function relays to the media uploaded CSV file.

Besides, please also be informed that you should be able to pull any information to the child project if something is entered in the parent project. Hence, if you have something entered in the parent project you should be able to pull it to the child project without any issues.

Hello! Thank you so much for the helpful tips and knowledge. If I do use the DDA, can I use the pulldata function if I want to grab data from the 1st survey?