Can I block the editing of a form after its first save?

I’m a relatively new user of Kobo and to implement an information collection system, the area of operation of my company asks me to guarantee that the information cannot be edited after the capture of the information and to save a completed form.

Is there an option or code that allows me to control that aspect?

Thank you so much!

Welcome to the community, @mbejarano! Do you plan to collect your data through Enketo aka web forms or the Collect android app?

Hi Kal, it will be through Collect app, thanks in advance!

Buenas tardes estimado @mbejarano .

Si es correcto, lo que usted desea es evitar que se editen los datos desde la APP, para ello ingrese por la opción “Ajustes”, luego en “control de acceso”, ingresa a “Menú principal de ajustes” y ahí puede habilitar/deshabilitar el botón de editar.

Espero esta información le sea de utilidad.

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@Yimi, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

Yimi! Muchasss gracias, eso era lo que andaba buscando :slight_smile: !

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