Can Not Edit and Save the Form


I have Form Already Deployed , I tried to add one question to the from and Save, but it didn’t save and show the below message:

Error saving form

Your changes could not be saved, likely because of a lost internet connection. Keep this window open and try saving again while using a better connection.

Hi @mohamera,

Welcome to the community! Kindly please be informed that once you make changes to your survey project you will need to redeploy it by pressing the REDEPLOY button as shown in the image below:

Have a great day!

Many Thanks or swift reply,
But the issue is Not saving the changes on

Form in the first please , So after that I can do redeploy.

Hi @mohamera,

Seems like you were disconnected with the internet during the time you tried to redeploy. Would you mind trying it once again.

Have a great day!

Many Thanks @Kal_Lam for your efforts .
Actually i tried it many times in last 2 days and it seems not internet Connection issue.

Now i Deployed the Form again and i did try to EDIT and Save but unfortunately the same massage pops up.

wish to receive any ideas or someone faced same Error before.

Hi @mohamera,

Could you mind providing me the following information (through a private message) so that i could have a closer look at my end and see what is affecting you:

  • Username
  • Server
  • Project name

Have a great day!

Sent :slight_smile:

We’re working on this with the UNHCR security team. It looks like the 403 is being raised before the request from the browser reaches the KoBo server.

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Many Thanks @jnm , Please keep me posted on the updates.

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Dears @jnm @Kal_Lam

this is to let you know that the issue is Solved, and today i managed to Edit and save the Form without the mentioned MSG pops up…

Many Thanks


Hi @mohamera,

Thank you for confirming!

Have a great day!